A Chat with Glow Aguilar, Owner of Up Zell
Join us as we have an inspirational conversation with Glow Aguilar, Owner of Up Zell!
Join us as we have an inspirational conversation with Glow Aguilar, Owner of Up Zell!
Join us as we chat with Nadia for our first interview of the year 2024! Listen to her share her entrepreneurial full of wisdom and motivation! Follow Plantate Cafe on IG @plantatecafe.la
Join us as we learn all about Patricia (she/they) and Erika’s (she/her) entrepreneurial journey! Follow and support their business on IG at @elserenogreengrocer
Follow Pocha LA on Instagram at @pocha_losangeles
Join us as we learn all about Marcella’s entrepreneurial journey! Make sure to follow her on IG at @aura.creatives.co
Join us as we catch up with BELLAs Kelly Zuniga, owner of KeLindaEres, Erica Marquez, owner of La Diosa Boutique and Dios Hub, and Maribel Valdes, owner of In the Making Boutique!
Join us as we chat with Susie and learn about her creative entrepreneurial journey. Follow Susie on IG at @cielolazuli
Visit Emprender Creative at www.emprendercreative.com or on IG: @emprendercreative
Follow Yesenia on IG at @proudchicana_