A Chat with Magie d’Anjou, owner of Fine Ugly Soap
Join us for a nice chat with Magie and please support her by following her on IG: @fineuglysoap
Join us for a nice chat with Magie and please support her by following her on IG: @fineuglysoap
Join us for this inspirational chat with the amazing Nikki Sanchez! Make sure to follow her on IG @flordeluna.apothecary CLICK HERE TO VISIT FLOR DE LUNA APOTHECARY
Enjoy our interview with the amazing Jeannette Flores, owner of Super Pollos in Boyle Heights. Listen in as Jeannette shares her entrepreneurial journey and how she engages with her community. Follow IG: @superpollosla
Join us for an exciting and heartfelt charla with Daisy Iniguez, Latina entrepreneur and owner of Capuyo Cafe in Boyle Heights!
IG: @mariachishowgallosreales
Join us as we chat with entrepreneur and small business owner of AFROANANSI – Ana Laura Villagrana! Remember to support Latina biz and visit Laura’s Instagram account @afroanansi and @afrobeads_waistbeads
Join us as we chat with entrepreneur and small business owner Of MILPA GRILLE & NOANOA in Boyle Heights – Deysi Serrano! Remember to support Latina biz and visit Deysi’s website by clicking on the button below.
BELLA provides a shared vision that builds up a community to elevate the Latina entrepreneurial voice and celebrate their journey while providing tangible, accessible opportunities for growth. Courage, Dignity, Purpose, Perseverance